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Not just a walk in the park.
Safe and stimulating off-lead dog walking service.
Based in Bedfordshire. Servicing Langford, Henlow and Clifton, Monday - Friday

Walkies in safe surroundings

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Safe and stimulating off-lead exercise in acres of open countryside where your dog can play, discover

and learn.

Obstacle course


Plenty of obstacles to explore which stimulates the dog’s natural hunting instinct and promotes physical well-being. 

Fun with friends


You can relax knowing your precious pooch can play, run, and scamper with other four legged friends whilst you're busy at work or having a day out.

Scent Games

Dog with Toy

There are many great places for scent games, hunting for treats, toys and dummies which is another great way to boost their mental stimulation.


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Interact with others without fear or aggression. Being pack animals socialising is such an important parts of a dog's welfare.



Our home offers a perfect alternative to kennels for your dog. We give them the best of care and go that extra mile to make sure they are happy and settled.

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